MBA World Summit 2022 Webinare

Free Live Online Presentation and Q&A


Tuesday September 6th

06:00PM CET (Europe)

12:00PM ET (America)

09:00AM PT (America)

09:30PM IST (India)

02:00AM AEST (Australia)


Wednesday September 7th

02:00PM CET (Europe)

08:00AM ET (America)

05:00AM PT (America)

05:30PM IST (India)

10:00PM AEST (Australia)

Your Host

Yannick Reiss is one of the founders of the MBA World Summit.
He is driven to bring together talented and inspiring people from all over the world, embracing the importance of learning from one another.

Yannick graduated in business administration as part of a double bachelor’s program at the Dublin City University in Ireland and the European School of Business in Reutlingen. 

He specialized in international management, which he complemented through working experience in various consulting firms.

Yannick sees the MBA World Summit as an opportunity to bring great minds and inspirational people together to create something truly unique, within the world of MBA studies. 

Yannick Reiss 

Managing Director @ QX-Quarterly Crossing